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The Waldorf Curriculum

The Waldorf School of Jordan aims to cultivate a sense of wonder and inspire students to view the world, even in its most basic form, as magnificent––prompting each student to embrace life with enthusiasm, initiative and purpose. These aims are met through an education that is rich with meaningful sense experiences, classical academics, and artistic beauty in all subject matters.
Creative play in the early years is followed by arts-infused academic learning in the lower grades and intellectual inquiry in middle and high school. Students are deeply involved in learning––through their heads (intellectual involvement in a subject), their hands (experiencing a subject by doing), and their hearts (connecting with a subject emotionally with love and wonder).
Waldorf education fosters students’ intellectual, social and emotional growth as they pass through distinct stages of development, from childhood to adulthood. Creative play in the early years is followed by arts-infused academic learning in the elementary years and intellectual inquiry in middle and high schools.

Throughout their Pre-School and Kindergarten years, children learn primarily through imitation and physical movement. Children need warmth, protection, and creative free-play to develop their capacities. They thrive in an environment filled with beauty, goodness and role models worthy of imitation.

Students in Elementary grades are developing their capacities for formal academic instruction, and learn best from caring and consistent authority figures who embrace the world with interest. Imagination and creativity are nurtured through a lively and artistic approach to academic subjects.

Students in the Upper Grades learn best from experts in their fields with whom they can exercise independent thinking and engage in challenging intellectual study. Students deepen their understanding of themselves and the world around them.

"My daughter’s experience at the Waldorf school has been both exciting and mind opening. I hope that more people can make Waldorf education available to their children."

–Russell Schweickart, Apollo 9 astronaut and NASA Astronaut Technical Advisor


Our Kindergarten program provides a nurturing foundation for the growing child through the Pre-School, KG1 and KG2 years. By nourishing the mind and senses through a healthy and beauty-filled environment, our program fosters the development of the whole child.


Our Elementary program is designed to help students develop individuality and freedom balanced with cooperation and collaboration. Academic subjects such as math, reading, and writing are introduced in ways that nurture students natural curiosity and imagination.

Upper Grades

Our Middle and High Schools combine the richness of Waldorf Education with the rigor of the American "SAT" curriculum. Led by expert teachers, students think independently and pursue deep intellectual studies. They develop their sense of self while exploring the world at large.

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