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There are so many things to love about a Waldorf Kindergarten. Many parents are drawn to Waldorf schools because of the attractive aesthetics of the classrooms and the prevalence of wooden, natural toys as part of the curriculum. Families who choose Waldorf education for their children point to the emphasis on play, the focus on creativity, and the wholistic approach to academics in the early grades as three of the most valuable aspects of the program.
The Waldorf School of Jordan’s Early Childhood Program provides a nurturing foundation for the growing child through the Pre-School, KG1 and KG2 years. Our program fosters the development of the whole child, and we are dedicated to nourishing our students in a healthy and beauty-filled environment. Each classroom is warm, inviting and filled with beautiful natural materials. Educational puzzles, games, building blocks, modeling dough and handcrafted toys encourage children to create their own games and stories. Our Early Childhood rooms and play areas are gentle places where children can imagine freely while feeling safe and comfortable––where they can discover the goodness of the world around them and enjoy the magic of childhood.

After their kindergarten years children cross an important developmental milestone, moving away from a world of imagination towards a more concrete way of thinking. Having been made to feel the magic of words, numbers and the natural world in imaginative and active ways, the children enter grade school with an enthusiasm for learning that will power their mental and academic development for years to come.

"Being personally acquainted with a number of Waldorf students, I can say that they come closer to realizing their own potentials than practically anyone I know."

–Joseph Weizenabum, MIT Professor


Our Kindergarten program provides a nurturing foundation for the growing child through the Pre-School, KG1 and KG2 years. By nourishing the mind and senses through a healthy and beauty-filled environment, our program fosters the development of the whole child.


Our Elementary program is designed to help students develop individuality and freedom balanced with cooperation and collaboration. Academic subjects such as math, reading, and writing are introduced in ways that nurture students natural curiosity and imagination.

Upper Grades

Our Middle and High Schools combine the richness of Waldorf Education with the rigor of the American "SAT" curriculum. Led by expert teachers, students think independently and pursue deep intellectual studies. They develop their sense of self while exploring the world at large.

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